The Classroom Commute Podcast
Teacher Tips & Inspiration For Your Ride To School!
If you have a classroom and a commute, then you're in the right place! The Classroom Commute Podcast is THE place for busy teachers who want actionable tips, simple strategies, and a little fun on your ride in to school!
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Ep 145 // 7 Classroom Management Hacks That Actually Work! (With Dr. Lori Friesen)
Sometimes the smallest tweaks to your classroom management plan can make the biggest difference! Learn 7 simple, yet effective classroom management hacks that not only help keep students focused and engaged, but also help build a stronger classroom community in the process.
Ep 143 // Getting Started with Elementary STEM for Classroom Teachers (with Naomi Meredith)
STEM instruction can feel intimidating, but STEM coach Naomi Meredith is here to break it all down for us! She’ll share tips and ideas for classroom teachers who are looking to implement STEM in their elementary classrooms, but don’t know where to start.
Ep 142: Ten Ways Classroom Teachers Can Use Google Keep for Productivity, Organization & More (With Michelle Emerson)
There’s an APP for that - and Google Keep is an under-utilized APP that teachers should be using! But today’s guest, Michelle Emerson, is about to change all that with her top ten tips for how teachers can (and should!) be using Google Keep in their teacher life.
Ep 139: Balancing School and Home: Making the Most of Your Time At School So You Can Enjoy Your Time At Home (With Kristen Donegan)
Most teachers are guilty of bleeding their teaching life into their home life. Teachers are hard workers and are known for bringing home work on nights and weekends. But - it doesn’t have to be that way. My guest, Kristen Donegan shares how teachers can make the most of their time at school so that they can leave their work-life at WORK!
Ep 137 - Teaching Elementary Students About Growth Mindset with Victoria from The Mindful Apple
Social Emotional Learning instruction isn’t just a job for school social workers! Classroom teachers are also tasked with helping our students master important social emotional skills like growth mindset. In this episode, school social worker, Victoria from The Mindful Apple is sharing how SEL instruction can fit into the every day elementary classroom!
Ep 135: Tips for Teaching Writing in a 21st Century Classroom with Megan Polk
Teaching writing in the elementary classroom is often followed by moans and groans for teachers and students alike. BUT - what if as a teacher you could LOVE teaching writing? What if your students LOVED your writing block? What if you had tips and strategies for making writing work in the 21st century classroom. Guest expert Megan Polk from The Literacy Dive tells us how!
Ep 134: Breaking Down the Science of Reading with Sara Marye
The Science of Reading is a buzz word that educators have been coming across lately. In today’s episode, our guest, Sara Marye breaks down the science of reading and shares some practical applications for the classroom!
Ep 132: Using Podcasts to Get Students Excited About Learning with Jerry Kolber
Join me as I chat with Jerry Kolber, host of the wildly populary kid’s podcast: “Who Smarted”. We talk all about how to use podcasts and other multimedia in the classroom to get students excited about learning!
Ep 131: 3 Questions Every Teacher Should Ask Before Going Back to School
It’s time to kick off another school year. But, even if your classroom is decorated, copies are made, and desks are in a row - it’s THESE 3 questions that you don’t want to forget to ask yourself before starting a new school year! Tune in to find out what they are.
Ep 113 // Using Choice Boards in the Elementary Classroom With Purpose!
We know that offering choice to students is a powerful motivator. Choice boards provide a simple way for teachers to encourage students to ownership of their learning and helps develop students’ abilities to make key decisions. In this episode we explore how to use choice boards with meaning and purpose in the classroom.
Ep 111 // Classroom Technology: 6 Common Mistakes Teachers Make…and How to Avoid Them!
Classroom technology can often make us want to pull our hair out! As powerful as using technology with student can be, there are several pitfalls and mistakes that teachers often make that can be avoided for more effective, less stressful digital instruction in the classroom!
Ep 107 // Digital or Printable Student Resources? Striking a Balance in the Elementary Classroom
Wondering if you’re over doing with when it comes to using digital learning in the elementary classroom? Or whether or not using printable resources is too old-school for the 21st century classroom? How can teachers strike a healthy balance to provide a well-rounded learning experience that incorporates new technologies with tried-and-true teaching that still utilizes pen and paper? Tune in to find out!
Ep 105 // REPLAY: Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies
Using reading comprehension strategies is a MUST-DO to help develop stronger, more proficient readers. But how can we approach reading comprehension strategy instruction in a way that will actually encourage students to use these strategies in a meaningful way? Tune in to this week’s episode for an interactive approach to teaching reading strategies.
Ep 99 // Classroom Technology: A Simple Model for Using it Effectively
Not all classroom technology is created equal. In this episode we will uncover a simple model that can be used to assess the effectiveness, functionality, and purpose of classroom technology.
Ep 94 // 3 Tips for Increasing Student Success (That You Can Start Using TODAY!)
Fact: Education is changing. It HAS changed. And if we, as teachers want to keep up, we’ve got to reflect on our current ways of teaching and ensure that we are setting out students up for success. Listen in to learn 3 actionable tips for how you can increase student success in today’s, 21st century classroom.
Ep 93 // Exploring Growth Mindset with Victoria from The Mindful Apple
We’ve all heard that growth mindset is important for elementary students - but what does this actually look like in our every day classrooms? In this interview with school social worker and social emotional learning expert, Victoria from The Mindful Apple, we learn how classroom teachers can embed practices of growth mindset into everyday teaching.
Ep 92 // Getting Started with Interactive Notebooks
Want to start using interactive notebooks, but not sure where to start? This episode takes you through the process from the ground up so you can successfully implement interactive notebooks in the elementary classroom.
Ep 90 // Using Podcasts in the Elementary Classroom
Podcasts aren’t just for adults! In fact - podcasts can be a powerful tool for the elementary classroom. Not sure how to implement them in to your every day instruction? Tune in for some great tips and ideas for how to use podcast for students!
Ep 88 // Helping Students Grow as Readers Through Goal Setting
Goals can given students purpose for learning. Find out how to take the goal-focused approach to reading in the classroom. Help your students to grow as readers by giving them tailored instruction that addresses their individual needs.